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Mirror Mansion
In this walkthrough, I’ll give you a detailed overview of the rooms and what to find in them. I’ve numbered the rooms and I’ve given every mirror a letter. When there’s an A in room 1 and one in room 2, that means that though that mirror, you can get from room one to room 2. This is the first walkthrough I’ve ever written, so if you have any comments, please post them or send me a PM. Feedback is always appreciated!This is the complete overview of the Mirror Mansion. The entrance is room 1, so I started counting at the bottom of the picture. In total there are 10 different rooms.

Map by Amanda. Thanks a lot!
When I entered this maze the first time, I was around lvl 40 and I had Ean, Iya, Rye & Nicholas in my party. I found out soon enough that Ean & Rye are useless here. You need some good magic to defeat the blazes and embers. Nicholas’ lullaby was for me very effective here, since the blazes and embers fall asleep pretty easily, which means that they cannot harm you. Besides that his sunburst worked very good too. You should be careful for the blazes, because they ‘spit’ embers after a certain time, so you’ll have to defeat more enemies.
Now, the different rooms: (Don’t mind the chick, that’s my dear Ean…

Note: If you don’t want to know everything, just the quickest way to the last room, please skip the next part.
Room 1

This is the entrance, you’ll see 2 mirrors, which I’ve named A and B.
Mirror A transports you to room 2
Mirror B transports you to room 3
Room 2

In this room you’ll find enemies. There is 1 blaze and 2 embers, but as I said before, if you do not defeat the blaze soon enough, there will come more embers.
Here you’ll find 3 mirrors:
Mirror A transports you back to room 1
Mirror C transports you to room 4
Mirror D transports you back to the entrance. (dead end)
Room 3

This room contains 3 more mirrors and no enemies.
Mirror B transports you back to room 1
Mirror E transports you to room 5
Mirror F transports you to room 6
Room 4

This room contains the stairs and the only way up. There is one blaze present.
Mirror C will bring you back to room 2
Room 5

Here you’ll find one blaze and a dead end. Unless you want to fight, you don’t have to come here.
Mirror E will transport you back to room 4
Room 6

This room contains one blaze and a chest.
Mirror F will transport you back to room 3
These 6 rooms are all the rooms downstairs. If you want to proceed, you should go up the stairs in room 4.
Room 7

In this room, you’ll see 2 more blazes and 2 more mirrors.
Mirror G will transport you to room 8
Mirror H will transport you back to the entrance (dead end)
Room 8

Here’s another chest. You’ll also find one blaze and 3 more embers. There are also quite some mirrors, though most mirrors will send you back to the entrance.
Mirror G will transport you back to room 7
Mirror I will transport you back to the entrance (dead end)
Mirror J will transport you back to the entrance (dead end)
Mirror K will transport you to room 9
Room 9

You’re coming closer and closer!
There’s only one small ember between you and your final destination!
You’ll see also a chest.
Now there’s only the mirror back, that’s all. Furthermore you need to go up the stairs to the final room!
Room 10
Finally, your destination…
This room has only the stairs to go back, but I do think you’re here to fight your evil enemy blaze, don’t you?
Good luck!
Quick way out… eeh… in!
If you don’t want to know everything or you simply want to defeat the evil one very quickly, for that I’ve added the large overview map, but this time with arrows.

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