While I'm not as big a fan of the Redemption Cemetery games as my sister Liz is, when you throw a dog in peril into a game, chances are I'm going to want to save it. So, when I discovered what the plot was for Redemption Cemetery: Salvation of the Lost, I realized it was going to have to go on my list of must-play games.
Which, also meant that we were going to need a Redemption Cemetery: Salvation of the Lost Walkthrough ASAP because I know these games can have some tricky puzzles that could cause many a sleepless night if I wasn't careful.

Our walkthrough guru was once again challenged to create a guide that even I could follow. A guide that was crammed full of all the information, tips, and advice needed to beat the game and rescue that furry ball of cuteness.
This Redemption Cemetery: Salvation of the Lost Walkthrough has tons of screenshots, clearly marked so there's no missing a crucial item over and over again and wandering around aimlessly.
She's also included chapter-by-chapter instructions, taking you through exactly what to do from the moment you step off that train. And finally, and this is my favorite... easy solutions to all the puzzles you'll encounter during gameplay. So you'll never have to use that skip button if you don't want to!
All in all, our Redemption Cemetery: Salvation of the Lost Walkthrough is a great place to stop and ask for directions if you've think you've hit a dead end or don't know where to turn next. So don't forget to bookmark it and keep it handy! You never know when you're going to need a helping hand in this dark and dreary place.